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Discipline Policy

Discipline (Policy: JK-R)

The discipline philosophy at Bella Romero Academy is intended to help all students act responsibly and respectfully toward others in our school community. There are several elements related to student behavior expectations at Bella Romero Academy. The first is Bella Romero Academy's Code of Conduct, which will be sent home for parents to review and sign in the fall of each school year. This publication specifies student rights, responsibilities, and the consequences for negative misconduct by students. We will implement the policies in the Code of Conduct as part of our legal and educational commitment to our students and families. Bella Romero Academy also has behavior standards that apply to the classroom setting, and other areas of our building, including the hallways, cafeteria, playground and restrooms. Bella Romero Academy is continually participating in Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support (PBIS) training to help us to be as effective as possible in helping children to make positive behavior choices and work through any interpersonal problems they may experience.

download the consequences for inappropriate behavior matrix