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D6 Bully Prevention

District 6 Bully Prevention in Positive Behavior Supports

  • Blending School- Wide Positive Behavior support and explicit instruction to provide every student the tools to prevent bullying. 
  • Positive Behavior Support has been shown to have both short and long term beneficial effects on academic achivement, decreased discipline, aggression, crime, school attachment and drug use. 
  • All students and staff are taught about how to behave in safe, respectful, and responsible ways across all school settings. 
  • The emphasis is on prevention and reduction of bullying problems and behaviors. 

The Board recognizes that bullying behavior can have a negatvie effect on the school climate and can lead to more serious behaviors affecting the health, safety, and welfare of students (Bullying in Schools Board Policy JICDE). The Board supports a secure school climate, conducive to teaching and learning that is free from threat, harassment, and any type of bullying behavior. The purpose of this policy is to promote consistency of approach and to help create a climate in which all types of bullying are regarded as unacceptable. 

Bully Prevention in Positive Behavior Support is a program that is used at all grade levels in all of our elementary schools. The program is a series of explicitly taught lessons that are designed to give children tools to help them reduce and prevent incidences of bullying. 

The student lessons teach a 3 step response to problem behavior:

  • "Stop"
  • "Walk"
  • "Talk"

Level 1 violations will generally be addressed by the staff member supervising the student when the violation occurs. The staff member’s response should teach the correct, alternative behavior so that the student can learn from their mistake and demonstrate safe and respectful behaviors in the future.

Response to Behaviors Matrix

Individuals Level Descriptions Minimum Maximum
Staff Level 1

Level 1 violations will generally be addressed by the staff member supervising the student when the violation occurs. The staff member’s response should teach the correct, alternative behavior so that the student can learn from their mistake and demonstrate safe and respectful behaviors in the future.

  • Staff member and student contact parent/guardian and documents in the Contact Log into Infinite Campus (IC) (Teachers/Admin will support with documentation in IC if needed)

Redirect and Reteach Restorative Action
Staff & Admin Level 2

Level 2 violations will generally result in interventions or disciplinary responses that involve the school administration. These actions aim to correct behavior by stressing the seriousness of the behavior while keeping the student in school.

  • Staff member and student contact parent/guardian and documents in the Contact Log into Infinite Campus

  • Building administration will communicate disciplinary outcomes with involved staff.

Redirect and Reteach REstorative Action or up to 2 days ISS
Staff, Admin, & Parent Level 3

Level 3 violations will generally result in interventions or disciplinary responses that involve the school administration. These actions aim to correct behavior by stressing the seriousness of the behavior and may result in removal (half-day up to five days) from the school environment as well as education opportunities around the behavior.

  • Building administrator contacts parent/guardian and documents in the Contact Log/Behavior Log in Infinite Campus

  • Building administration will communicate disciplinary outcomes with involved staff.

1/2 Day OSS 5 Day OSS
Staff, Admin, Parent & S/S Level 4

Level 4 violations will generally result in interventions or disciplinary responses that involve the school administration and/or Department of Safety and Security. These actions aim to correct behavior by stressing the seriousness of the behavior and may result in removal (half-day up to 365 days) from the school environment, education opportunities around the behavior and/or district-level behavior interventions.

  • Building administration contacts parent/guardian and documents in the Contact Log/Behavior Log in Infinite Campus

  • Building administration will communicate disciplinary outcomes with involved staff.

1/2 Day OSS

10 Day OSS

Potential Referral for Expulsion

Staff, Admin, Parent, & S/S Level 5

Level 5 discipline infractions have the potential for a referral for expulsion. The school will consult with the Department of Safety and Security and seek a 10-day suspension and refer the student for expulsion.  

  • Building administration contact parent/guardian and document in the Contact Log/Behavior Log in Infinite Campus

  • Building administration will communicate disciplinary outcomes with involved staff.

10 Day OSS Potential Referral for Expulsion