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Lobo Elective Classes

At The Bella Romero Academy of Applied Technology our vision is that every student will graduate high school as a minimum.  To see this vision become a reality we offer innovative classes during middle school students' "Lobo" Block. Please see below for a brief description of some of the exciting elective classes we offer to our middle school students.


Lifetime and Liesure: 

Athletics and Fitness Related Physical Education: This course provides students with the opportunity to learn a variety of sports and sports related movements.  Students are provided an opportunity to continue to improve and explore individual, dual, and team sports.  As students gain competence in a particular skill, they experience, within the confines of a safe and secure environment, the challenges of competition, which require discipline, responsibility, teamwork, and cooperation.          

3 Dimensional Art: Students will be involved in a variety of experiences to enhance creative thinking & problem solving as well as gain a better understanding of aesthetics, art history and art appreciation.  Learning activities are based on: artists, art history subject matter and styles of art. Students will study and apply basic art principles while creating 3-dimensional art using a variety of media such as: ceramic clay, wire armatures, paper Mache, as well as other sculpture materials, collage, pencil, charcoal, pen& ink, paints, and fibers/material.  Students will gain a working knowledge of 3 dimensional art tools, techniques and materials.  This is a hand on class, so students will be getting their hands messy. 

Computer Science: In computer science, be prepared to create some of the coolest programs around!  You will learn the skills needed to know how to build websites and smart phone apps from scratch, including websites and apps that could be useful for you, your friends, and your family!

Digital Music Production Studio: Open to 6th- 8th grade students who wish to learn more about electronic music. Students will use the very same technology that professionals use to create music and write songs. In addition to the technology, students will learn basic musical concepts and piano skills. No prior musical or ensemble experience is required to register. Students will be required to perform in 2-6 concerts per year.

Instrumental Ensemble: This course is designed to further hone the skills learned in 6th Grade Instrumental Ensemble. Students will advance their knowledge of musical concepts while improving their instrumental technique. Registration requires approval from the music teacher. Students will be required to perform in 3-5 concerts per year.