Music is special because every country and culture on the planet creates music. Bella Romero is a great place to be because we are a big family that makes music together. We focus on singing, playing instruments, and learning how to read and compose music. It is a lot of fun and also good for the brain!
Digital Music Production Studio: Open to 6th- 8th grade students who wish to learn more about electronic music. Students will use the very same technology that professionals use to create music and write songs. In addition to the technology, students will learn basic musical concepts and piano skills. No prior musical or ensemble experience is required to register. Students will be required to perform in 2-6 concerts per year.
Instrumental Ensemble: This course is designed to further hone the skills learned in 6th Grade Instrumental Ensemble. Students will advance their knowledge of musical concepts while improving their instrumental technique. Registration requires approval from the music teacher. Students will be required to perform in 3-5 concerts per year.
Stand up, stand up Romero!
Bring honor one and all.
Stand up, stand up Romero!
Let loose your mighty howl!
Strive everyday for knowledge and make your dreams come true_____
Stand up, stand up Romero!
Our family’s here for you!